Tuesday, June 2, 2020

User Exits in SAP HR T Code : PT45 ( Post Person Time Events)

Transaction Code - PT45                     Post Person Time Events

 Exit Name           Description

 HRPTIM01            Customer Enhancement for HR Time Management
 HRPTIM03            Time Management Enhancement: Absence Quota Deduction
 HRPTIM04            Modification of cluster B2 data after import in RPTEDT00
 HRPTIM05            User exit for HR Time Management CC1
 HRPTIM06            Customer Enhancement for HR Time Management Leave Requests
 HRPTIMEW            User exit for HR Time Management: Transfer ext. wage types
 PTIM2005            Time recording week screen: Attendance/absence type defaults
 PTIM2006            Time recording week screen: Complete validation
 PTIM2007            Generate Monthly Work Schedule
 HRPTIM02            User exits for HR Time Management: Leave accrual
 PTIM2001            Time recording: Default values for activity allocation
 PTIM2002            Time recording: Default values for cost assignment
 PTIM2003            Time recording: Default values for external services
 PTIM2004            Time recording: Validation of activity allocation
 HRPTIMAB            Define absence explicitly
 HRPTIMAR            Time Mgmt Customer Enhancement: Attendance/Absence Reporting