User-Exit/ BADI in PP for Order Confirmation
If standard funtions of standard system cannnot meet requirements of business, user exits or BADIs might be a help, it introduces them of the production order.
The List of USER-EXIT or BADI for PP :
PPCO0007 Exit when saving production orderCONF0001 Enhancements in order confirmation
CONFPI01 Process order conf.: Calculate cust.specific default va
CONFPI02 Process order confirmation: Customer spec. input checks
CONFPI03 Process order conf.: Cust. spec. check after op. select
CONFPI04 Process order conf.: Customer specific input checks 2
CONFPI05 Process order conf.: Cust. spec. enhancements when savi
CONFPI06 Process order confirmation: Actual data transfer
CONFPM01 PM/SM order conf.: Determine cust. specific default val
CONFPM02 PM/SM order confirmation: Customer specific input check
CONFPM03 PM/SM order conf.: Cust. spec. check after op. selectio
CONFPM04 PM/SM order conf.: Customer specific input check 2
CONFPM05 PM/SM order conf.: Cust. specific enhancements when sav
CONFPP01 PP order conf.: Determine customer specific default val
CONFPP02 PP order conf.: Customer specific input checks 1
CONFPP03 PP order conf.: Cust. specific check after op. selectio
CONFPP04 PP order conf.: Customer specific input checks 2
And also use user exit CONFPP05 to check the posting date, do not save the confirmation if the logic holds good
posting date < current system date.
WORKORDER_CONFIRM Business Add-In PM/PP/PS/PI Orders Operation: ConfirmationWORKORDER_CONFIRM_CUST_SUBSCR Confirmation: Subscreen with Customer's Own Fields
WORKORDER_CONFIRM_EA_APPL Confirmation: Function Calls from EA-APPL
WORKORDER_DFPS_PIC_ATP Defense BADI for Availability Check
WORKORDER_DOCLINKS BAdI: Document Links (Production Orders)
WORKORDER_FINANCIALS Connection between FIN Add-On and Manufacturing Orders
WORKORDER_GOODSMVT Business Add-In PM/PP/PS/PI Orders: Automatic Goods Movement
WORKORDER_INFOSYSTEM BAdI: PP and PI Order Information System
WORKORDER_PISHEET Business Add-In PM/PP/PS/PI Orders Operation: Discarding of PI sheets
WORKORDER_REWORK Business Add-In PP Orders Operation: Rework
WORKORDER_UPDATE Business Add-In PM/PP/PS/PI Orders Operation: UPDATE.
I was given a task that only particular user whose ID's are maintained in Z-Table they should not be allowed to SAVE in COR06N .
For Example : How to Work :
Follow the below steps:
1. Go to the 'Components' tab after displaying the enhancement CONFPP05 in smod.
2. Double click on the function module 'EXIT_SAPLCORF_105'.
3. Double click on the include ZXCOFU15 inside this function module.
( A warning message comes when u double clisck it, ignore it and press 'Enter'. Then u can code your enhancment in that include).
4. After the coding, activate the include and in tcode CMOD create a project and include the enhancement CONFPP05 in it and activate.
Your enhancement will be activated now and will be called during the processing.