Saturday, May 30, 2020

Getting Opening and Closing quantities of Stock with accuracy of MB5B in Z-ALV REPORT

Getting Opening and Closing quantities of Stock with accuracy of MB5B.

I was required to get the opening and closing stock of particular material at a particular date(Means calling mb5b report to get opening & closing issued stock) .
So the main logic behind is :

Just Declare  this code in top decalaration part :
  DATA is_rspar TYPE rsparams,
         it_rspar TYPE TABLE OF rsparams,
         it_list  TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF abaplist,
         it_list1 TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_list,
         str1     TYPE string,
         str2     TYPE string,
         str3     TYPE string,
         str4     TYPE string,
         str5     TYPE string,
         str6     TYPE string,
         str7     TYPE string,
         str8     TYPE string,
         str9     TYPE string,
         str10    TYPE string,
         str11    TYPE string,
         str12    TYPE string,
         str13    TYPE string,
         str14    TYPE string,
         str15    TYPE string,
         str16    TYPE string,
         str17    TYPE string.
and in query  F01 part where you have to call mb5b report use this logic  to fetch the record.

  LOOP AT lt_mara INTO DATA(wa_mara).
      CLEAR is_rspar,str1,str2,str3,str4,str5,str6,str7,str8,str9,str10,str11,str12,str13,str14,str15,str16,str16,str17,wa_main.
      REFRESH it_rsparit_list,it_list1.
      is_rspar-selname 'MATNR'.
      is_rspar-kind 'S'.
      is_rspar-low wa_mara-matnr."im_date.
      is_rspar-sign 'I'.
      is_rspar-option 'EQ'.
      APPEND is_rspar TO it_rspar.

      CLEAR is_rspar.
      is_rspar-selname 'WERKS'.
      is_rspar-kind 'S'.
      is_rspar-low wa_mara-werks."im_date.
      is_rspar-sign 'I'.
      is_rspar-option 'EQ'.
      APPEND is_rspar TO it_rspar.

      CLEAR is_rspar.
      is_rspar-selname 'DATUM'.
      is_rspar-kind 'S'.
      is_rspar-low p_date."im_date.
      is_rspar-sign 'I'.
      is_rspar-option 'EQ'.

      APPEND is_rspar TO it_rspar.
*------Calling mb5b report from z-report -----------*

          listobject it_list
          not_found  1
          OTHERS     2.

          listasci   it_list1
          listobject it_list.
      IF sy-subrc 0.
        READ TABLE it_list1 INTO DATA(ls_listINDEX 4. "4 or 5 line it varies
        SPLIT ls_list AT space INTO str1 str2 str3 str4 .
        IF sy-subrc .
          CONDENSE str4.
          SPLIT str4 AT '|' INTO str5 str6 str7 str8 str9 str10 str11 str12 str13 str14 str15 str16 str17.

      REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF ',' IN str8 WITH space.  "open qty
      REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF ',' IN str9 WITH space.  "reciept qty
      REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF ',' IN str10 WITH space"issued qty
      REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF ',' IN str11 WITH space"closing qty
      REPLACE ALL OCCURRENCES OF ',' IN str16 WITH space"closing amt
      CONDENSE str8.
      CONDENSE str9.
      CONDENSE str10.
      CONDENSE str11.
      CONDENSE str16.
*--------------------MB5B data -----------------------------------------------------*
      wa_main-open_qty                str8.
      wa_main-issued_qty              str10.
      wa_main-recpt_qty               str9.
      wa_main-closed_qty              str11.
*  WA_MAIN-werks               = wa_mara-werks.
      wa_main-werks               wa_mara-werks.
      wa_main-matnr               wa_mara-matnr.
      wa_main-matkl               wa_mara-matkl.
      wa_main-maktx               wa_mara-maktx.
      wa_main-unit                 str12.
      wa_main-open_amt             str16.
*--- this was main logic to fetch the data from mb5b ---------*

Data from internal table ,please check whether you have data in 4th line or 5th line .
on basis of that please change read logic to 5th line and condense part logic .